Many people believe that you cannot be generous until you are materially successful, but research often finds that generosity increases your chances of success. In the long run this includes financial success, but in the short run it includes meaning, relationships, and happiness. To enjoy giving is itself success.

Leadership Tools
This document contains stories of people being generous and of failing to be generous. (The titles next to people’s names are their titles at the time the story occurred and may not be their title currently.) Discussing diverse situations in which people failed or succeeded to live up to their values often helps people to recognize and act on other opportunities when they arise. By discussing these stories in meetings, on teams, over internet or intranet forums, or in classrooms, groups can come up with ideas for leading with exceptional generosity, learn each other’s perspectives, work through disagreements, and generate ideas. The teaching note is included.
Benefit of Generosity
In organizations in which employees are generous, turnover and costs are low and customer satisfaction, efficiency, and profitability are high. Individuals receive satisfaction, better relationships, reciprocity, and other benefits, as long as they also create appropriate boundaries.
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