People are typically more creative when they are younger. As people get older, they often practice creativity less and more often complete their tasks in the way they have been taught to do. This is not a negative thing for many tasks. However, people who consistently use creativity can more effectively handle challenges that require thinking originally.

Leadership Tools
This tool is from Henrietta Pepper’s book Unbranded: Emerge a Brand New You.
Populate this diagram to identify:
At the intersection of what you love and what you are good at is your passion.
At the intersection of what you love and what the world needs is your mission.
At the intersection of what the world needs and what you can get paid for is your vocation.
At the intersection of what you are good at and what you can get paid for is your profession.
Personal Legacy Narrative ExerciseThis tool is from Henrietta Pepper’s book Unbranded: Emerge a Brand New You.
As an exercise, use the Legacy Narrative exercise template to craft an aspirational legacy narrative. Use your own words in capturing your innermost thoughts around how you want your legacy to unfold. This can cause you to rethink your priorities and how you are living your life and projecting your brand. This exercise helps build your foundation around what legacy means to you. It’s a very personal concept.
Triteness, Creativity, and Absurdity StoriesThis document contains stories of people being creative and of failing to be creative. (The titles next to people’s names are their titles at the time the story occurred and may not be their title currently.) Discussing diverse situations in which people failed or succeeded to live up to their values often helps people to recognize and act on other opportunities when they arise. By discussing these stories in meetings, on teams, over internet or intranet forums, or in classrooms, groups can come up with ideas for leading with exceptional creativity, learn each other’s perspectives, work through disagreements, and generate ideas. The teaching note is included.
Benefit of Creativity
When people lead with exceptional creativity, they feel deeper satisfaction over what they accomplish, they help and benefit others, and they improve the world around them.
Recorded Events
Ikigai is a Japanese term that blends two words: “iki” meaning “to live,” and “gai” meaning “reason,”…
18 Jun 2024
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