By: Benjamin Thomas and Kristen Lucas
Workplace characteristics such as dirty work and income insufficiency influence the dignity that employees experience at work…
By: Ryan W. Quinn, Bret D. Crane, Travis Thompson, and Robert E. Quinn
People often fail to rise up to leadership opportunities when they believe they have no alternatives, no…
By: Lauren R. Locklear, Shannon G. Taylor, and Maureen L. Ambrose
Forthcoming in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023
By: Ann M. Herd & Kevin Lowe
Chapter 24 in SAGE Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management, 2020
By: Gregory A. Cranmer, Zachary W. Goldman, & Jeffery D. Houghton
This paper finds that newcomers adjust and commit to organizations better when they seek organizational resources through…
By: Russell Robinson & Brad Shuck
Employee voice is influenced by their relationships with their supervisors, how the idea is crafted, the power…
By: Brad Shuck, Meera Alagaraja, Jason Immekus, Denise Cumberland, & Maryanne Honeycutt-Elliott
When leaders exhibited compassion during routine and focal events, the building blocks of their actions were integrity,…
By: Hyunin Baek, Edward H. Byers, & Genarro F. Vito
Transformational leadership increased organizational commitment among officers in Korean police agencies.
By: Denise M. Cumberland, Meera Alagaraja, Brad Shuck, & Sharon A. Kerrick
This theory explains how, when CEOs extend their existing internal social networks and engage in conversations with…
By: Denise M. Cumberland, Brad Shuck, Jason Immekus, & Meera Alagaraja
Employees are more satisfied and engaged when their supervisors are open to ideas, and engagement increases how…