
Leadership Tools Showcase: No Pain, No Gain: Getting Deep Value from the Positive Leadership Advanced Reflection


People usually love the outcomes of positive leadership:

  • We want to have more influence.
  • We want to achieve meaningful and ambitious things.
  • When other people follow us, we want them to do it because they want to and not because they feel like they feel like they have to.
  • We want the people around us to be better off because of us.
  • We want to learn, grow, and flourish.
  • We want to act with excellence.
  • We want to go at bed at night feeling satisfied that even if we were not perfect, we know we did our best based on our growing understanding of what is right and good.

Further, when we teach people how to achieve these things, people usually think the concepts are easy and they quickly understand them. Then, when they try to apply their simple understanding of these concepts, and it does not work, they become skeptical. We want the answers to be simple, and we do not like the idea that simple ideas may be hard for us to understand, that leadership is hard for us and requires sacrifice, that we might be wrong, and that even the best of us still needs to learn.

The Positive Leadership Advanced Reflection​ is a tool to help us begin the process of learning to understand what positive leadership really takes. It is not a tool for the faint of heart. It takes time to complete, and for some people, it may even be a little painful. However, for those who are determined to learn positive leadership, it can help you under simple concepts in the deep, profound way that leaders must understand if they want to truly practice positive leadership.

Date & Time

4 Mar 2025

12 PM - 1 PM